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Resist CCP: Global Day of Action (Washington DC)

On October 1st, 2020, on Global Day of Action, Uyghur Americans along with people of Tibet, HongKong, Southern Mongolia, and Taiwan showed solidarity against the Chinese Communist regime in the front of the U.S. Capitol.

We, the Uyghur Americans, re-enacted a scene of what Uyghurs are facing in their own homeland East Turkistan such as forced separation of families, adults being sent to concentration camps and forced labor camps while the Uyghur children being sent to state run orphanage to cut their Uyghur roots, forced sterilization, abortion, and forced organ harvesting. These are nothing short of a real Genocide. In front of the U.S Capitol, Uyghurs demanded the U.S. Senate to pass Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act S.3471/H.R.6210.

Uyghurs also marched from the U.S. Capitol to the White House and demanded the U.S. government to recognize what China is committing against Uyghurs as a Genocide and take action accordingly.

Uyghur American Association (UAA) would like to thank Congressmen, Scott Perry,Tom Suozzi and Ted Yoho for supporting Uyghur, Tibet, HongKong, democratic chinese and Southern Mongolians’ cause and standing up with all of us to resist China’s tyranny.

UAA would also like to thank our Uyghur community members for their contribution and continuous support.

Furthermore, UAA also would like to thank other organizers of Global Day of Action to resist CCP and looks forward to collaborate more in the future in fight against CCP to bring justice to all who are suffering under the brutality of CCP.

July 8

Youth Voices: Urumqi Massacre & Beyond

October 4

The War on the Uyghurs: A Discussion with Dr. Sean Roberts